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An Actor's Work

An Actor's Work
Your Price: $39.95 CDN
Author: Konstantin Stanislavski
Translated by: Jean Benedetti
Foreword by: Richard Eyre
Afterword by: Anatoly Smeliansky
Introduction by: Declan Donellan
Publisher: Routledge
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 726
Pub. Date: 2016
ISBN-10: 113868838X
ISBN-13: 9781138688384

About the Book:

"A superior reading of Stanislavski." — Theatre Journal

The master's seminal acting texts, An Actor Prepares and Building a Character together in one volume. The twin bibles of acting books have been re-translated into a highly-acclaimed single volume An Actor's Work. This new translation, which Jean Benedetti based on Stanislavski's final Russian manuscripts, represents a landmark achievement in Stanislavski studies and provides a valuable new resource for practitioners.

Stanislavski's system has dominated actor-training in the West since his writings were first translated into English in the 1920s and 30s. His systematic attempt to outline a psycho-physical technique for acting single-handedly revolutionized standards of acting in the theatre.

Until now, readers and students have had to contend with inaccurate, misleading and difficult-to-read English-language versions. Some of the mistranslations have resulted in profound distortions in the way his system has been interpreted and taught. At last, Jean Benedetti has succeeded in translating Stanislavski's huge manual into a lively, fascinating and accurate text in English. He has remained faithful to the author's original intentions, putting the two books previously known as An Actor Prepares and Building A Character back together into one volume An Actor's Work, and in a colloquial and readable style for today's actors.

The result is a major contribution to the theatre, and a service to one of the great innovators of the twentieth century. This volume is essential reading for anyone interested in acting, practically or academically, at all levels from schools to the industry.

What people say:

"A landmark achievement in Stanislavski studies … essential reading for anyone interested in acting, practically or academically, at all levels from schools to the industry." — Times Higher Educational Supplement

"A volume that clearly communicates the entire system … it should be made required reading." — The Guardian

"Getting the system straight from the horses mouth … An Actor's Work should be a manual not just in drama school, but but on any course where students are taught to assess texts and arguments critically." — Times Literary Supplement

"Benedetti, the author of several previous books on Stanislavski, has both improved and expanded upon the Hapgood editions, and the result is a longer yet much more readable text." — Library Journal

"This volume is a must for theater collections. Essential." — Choice

About the Author:

Constantin Stanislavski (1863-1938), arguably the most influential director in the history of the theater, was the founder of the renowned Moscow Art Theatre. A pioneer of psychological realism and improvisation on the stage, he devoted his life to developing the performance techniques now emulated throughout the world.

Jean Benedetti (1930-2012) was a leading scholar on the history of turn-of-the-century Russian theater. Formerly the Principal of the Rose Bruford College, UK, he carved out a successful career as an actor and playwright but is best known for a series of authoritative books on the method school of acting created by Konstantin Stanislavski.

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