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The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses

The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses
Your Price: $90.95 CDN
Author: Jesse Schell
Publisher: A K Peters/CRC Press
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 600
Pub. Date: 214
Edition: 2nd
ISBN-10: 1466598646
ISBN-13: 9781466598645

About the Book:

Good game design happens when you view your game from as many perspectives as possible. Written by Jesse Schell, one of the world's top game designers, The Art of Game Design presents 100+ sets of questions, or different lenses, for viewing a game's design, encompassing diverse fields such as psychology, architecture, music, visual design, film, software engineering, theme park design, mathematics, puzzle design, and anthropology. This Second Edition of a Game Developer Front Line Award winner:

• Presents 100+ sets of questions, or different lenses, for viewing a game's design
• Describes the deepest and most fundamental principles of game design
• Demonstrates how tactics used in board, card, and athletic games also work in top-quality video games
• Contains valuable insight from Jesse Schell, the former chair of the International Game Developers Association and award-winning designer of Disney online games

The Art of Game Design gives you useful perspectives on how to make better game designs faster. It provides practical instruction on creating world-class games that will be played again and again.

What people say:

"… a solid pick and a 'must' for any collection looking for an in-depth, fundamental textbook on how to design and work with game." — Midwest Book Review

"… this book is considered by many to be the 'bible' of game design. … Much of the material has been updated … the introduction to probability … is a must read for aspiring game designers … engaging and thought provoking … a substantial book for someone looking to get serious about game design. … the cards are brilliant and a joy to keep on your desk and pull one or more out and see how they relate to your current design. … Highly recommended." — Game Nite

"I could not think of a better name for this work because game design isn't a skillset, it's a Tao: a way of looking at the world. This was perhaps the most important thing that Jesse ever taught me. It is the principle lesson of this book. … The things you will learn here are universally applicable. … Each section individually is a lens and tool in your designer's tool belt but, taken as a whole, they form a system of thinking that will allow you to tackle problems well beyond their scope. … this book trains you to think as a designer." — James Portnow, Game Designer, CEO of Rainmaker Games

About the Author:

Jesse Schell is an American video game designer and a Distinguished Professor of the Practice of Entertainment Technology at Carnegie Mellon University's (CMU) Entertainment Technology Center (ETC), a joint master's program between Carnegie Mellon's College of Fine Arts and School of Computer Science, where he teaches game design and leads several research projects. He is also CEO of Schell Games, an independent game studio in Pittsburgh. Formerly he was creative director of the Walt Disney Imagineering Virtual Reality Studio and chairman of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA).