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The Authentic Shakespeare: And Other Problems of the Early Modern Stage

The Authentic Shakespeare: And Other Problems of the Early Modern Stage
Your Price: $44.95 CDN
Author: Stephen Orgel
Publisher: Routledge
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 276
Pub. Date: 2002
ISBN-10: 041591213X
ISBN-13: 9780415912136

About the Book:

The Authentic Shakespeare collects fifteen important essays by one of the most prominent scholars of Shakespeare studies.

In this lavishly illustrated book, Stephen Orgel, one of the most important and influential scholars of the Renaissance stage, brings together essays that have changed the way we think about the age of Shakespeare. His subjects are varied and interconnected: the theatre as social phenomenon, the development of the stage as an architectural presence and a cultural institution, the changing use of setting and costume, the changing status of the acting profession, the complex relation of theatre to the political life of the age. Most of all, The Authentic Shakespeare is about how the modern constructs the past, how the texts that were performed on the Elizabethan stage became the books and editions that are, for our time, Renaissance drama.

Many essays in The Authentic Shakespeare have become classics. Collected here for the first time, they essential reading for students of the Renaissance stage, English poetry, and the history of the book.

What people say:

"These essays on Shakespeare and related subjects by Stephen Orgel represent thirty years' worth of intelligence, originality, breadth of vision, and brilliant clarity. Orgel is in the most pleasurable of senses a radical thinker. Whether his subject is politics or textuality, gender or genre, poetics or performance, he has always asked the most fundamental questions, rethought our most uninvestigated assumptions, and delivered something basic, new, and true — always in the voice of the most delightful conversationalist. To read The Authentic Shakespeare is to be in the company of one's most articulate and smartest literary companion." — Leonard Barkan, Princeton University

"Stephen Orgel's original and imaginative mode of historical inquiry has dealt with English renaissance literature on and off the stage for a good many years. This fine and elegantly written book puts right some errors, and adjusts many perspectives, arising from interpretive conceits in a way that is more imaginative and intellectually energetic than most theoretical dallyings. Whether writing of Shakespeare, Jonson, surprisingly on Marlowe, or on issues of authorship, authority, authenticity and plagiarism, he is always pointed, pragmatic, skeptical and wise. All students of English poetry and drama should read it, no matter what their period of concern." — John Hollander, Yale University

"This is an epochal collection. Its essays have animated, provoked, and directed the study of the early modern stage for the past thirty years. Each of them startled when it first appeared; some are now canonical, others continue to be controversial. Yet each essay remains exemplary for its erudition, imagination, and sheer elegance-and perhaps most distinctively, for the author's refusal to take any assumption about his subject on trust." — Margreta de Grazia, University of Pennsylvania

"This impressive collection of fifteen essays by Stephen Orgel, written over an astonishingly creative lifetime, enables us now to savor once again the revisionist delights of The Spectacles of State, Prospero's Wife, Marginal Jonson, Tobacco and Boys, and so many others that have changed our whole way of thinking about the Renaissance stage as architecture and as cultural institution, the acting profession, the task of the editor, and the poetics of spectacle. To revisit this achievement is to stand in admiration of the focus and the breadth of the author's investigation of English Renaissance drama. This book is truly Stephen Orgel's own best monument." — David Bevington, University of Chicago

About the Author:

Stephen Orgel is Professor of Humanities at Stanford. Best known as a scholar of Shakespeare, he has published widely on the political and historical aspects of Renaissance literature, theatre, and art history. He has also published numerous editions of Shakespeare, Jonson, and Marlowe.