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Brave New Play Rites: Highlights plays from UBC's Creative Writing Department

Brave New Play Rites: Highlights plays from UBC's Creative Writing Department
Your Price: $25.00 CDN
Edited by: Bryan Wade
Publisher: Anvil Press
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 208
Pub. Date: 2006
ISBN-10: 1895636752
ISBN-13: 9781895636758

About the Plays:

Brave New Play Rites presents twenty years of original and startling theatre from Canada's best young writers. The book is a collection of short one-act plays written by students in the Creative Writing Program at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and produced at the annual festival, Brave New Play Rites. Many successful writers have had their plays produced in the festival, including Lynn Coady, Steven Galloway, Dennis Bolen, Kevin Chong, and Aaron Bushkowsky.

The release of Brave New Play Rites coincides with the 20th anniversary year of the festival, and the familiar names in this collection will be of interest both critically, and to readers who already follow the careers of these writers.

About the Editor:

Bryan Wade is a Canadian playwright and educator. He has had numerous productions of his stage plays in various theatres across Canada. Along with his playwright residencies at Factory Theatre and the Blyth Festival, he has been an invited artist at the Playwrights Colony at the Banff School of Fine Arts and the Stratford Festival. His radio drama scripts have been broadcast on the CBC in Canada and on ABC in Australia. He teaches at University of British Columbia’s Creative Writing Program.