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Copyrights and Trademarks for Media Professionals
Copyrights and Trademarks for Media Professionals
Author: Arnold Lutzker Publisher: Focal Press Format: Softcover # of Pages: 194 Pub. Date: 1997 ISBN-10: 0240802764 ISBN-13: 9780240802763
About the Book:
Copyrights and Trademarks for Media Professionals is for
professionals and students working in all areas of media, who need to
know what the law requires and how they should properly utilize
copyrights and trademarks. This book outlines critical concepts and
applies them with explanations in real-life applications, including
many cases from the author's own practice.
Copyrights and Trademarks for Media Professionals is a
practical guide designed to provide its reader with a firm
understanding of the principles underlying the ownership and use of
content, so that when questions arise, they will be able to make
correct, well-informed decisions. In addition, the reader will be
more capable of exercising sound judgement in structuring employment
and contract relationships and of acquiring and/or licensing works
which are at the core of the business of communicating.
Whether it is box office favorites, news reports of special
events, reruns of TV sitcoms, home videos, or scribblings on e-mail,
people covet the content they own and seek new outlets for releasing
it. Thus, while the channels of communication are expanding, it is
what is on those channels that reflects their ultimate value. Arnold
Lutzker takes the laws of Intellectual Property-copyright and
trademark-and translates them into plain English, answering those
puzzling questions about what can be used on the air or in print, and
who really owns photographs, videos, storylines and titles.
What people say:
by the calls and letters we get from Videomaker readers, there's a
serious need for a practical guide to copyright laws for video.
Arnold Lutzker
may have answered your queries by making legal terms understandable
to the layperson in Copyrights and Trademarks for
Media Professionals.
Check out this book if you want to protect your intellectual property
and safely use, review or parody others." —
About the Author:
Arnold P. Lutzker is an intellectual property
attorney. He has practiced copyright, trademark, unfair competition,
and entertainment law for over twenty-five years. His clientele
includes individuals, companies, and associations in the media,
software and hardware, program production, telephony, and education.
He has published many articles related to copyright and trademark in
leading legal journals, has spoken at trade conferences, and authored
the book Copyrights and Trademarks for Media Professionals.