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Crash! Boom! Bang!: How to Write Action Movies

Crash! Boom! Bang!: How to Write Action Movies
Your Price: $38.95 CDN
Author: Michael Lucker
Publisher: Michael Wiese Productions
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 210
Pub. Date: 2017
ISBN-10: 1615932631
ISBN-13: 9781615932634

About the Book:

Crash! Boom! Bang! is a fun, insightful Hollywood insider's look at the nuts and bolts of writing action movies, from concept to completion, by Michael Lucker, a professional screenwriter and professor of screenwriting. With pithy chapter titles like "Killer Concepts," "Badass Heroes" and "Format Fun-kadelic," Michael Lucker distills his unique point of view into an instruction manual chock full of witty anecdotes from the trenches that gives you a window into the up and downs of the writer's path. Full of witty anecdotes from the front lines (and tricks of the trade from between the lines), Crash! Boom! Bang!: How to Write Action Movies is an enjoyable and page-turning education for writers and students of all levels, whether you've written a dozen scripts or are embarking on your first.

What people say:

"Personal, perceptive, provocative, pleasurable to peruse, and those are just the P's! Michael Lucker's Crash! Boom! Bang! is an authentic contribution to the expanding body of screenwriting literature. Designed in particular for writers of action/adventure fare, there are keen insights here and tons of worthy advice also for writers of dramatic narratives in any genre." — Prof. Richard Walter, UCLA Screenwriting Chairman

"You don't have to be a writer of action films to benefit from Michael Lucker's rock-solid screenwriting advice, but if you are an action writer… it is essential." — John Baldecchi, Producer: Point Break, The Mexican, Conan the Barbarian

"The knowledge Michael Lucker shares in this book is not that of an outsider looking in, but rather an insider reaching out to all those who are interested in learning and giving them insightful and practical information." — Andy Fickman, Director, Writer, Producer: The Game Plan, Parental Guidance, Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2

"With Crash! Boom! Bang! Michael Lucker brings together his vast life experience, insuppressible passion for teaching, and mastery of the screenwriting craft. This powerhouse of a book is an absolute pleasure to read. Here, Michael entertains, he teaches, and he beckons both novice and expert alike to excel at the craft and business of screenwriting." — Michael Norton, Nine-time Emmy Award–winning Producer for The Amazing Race

About the Author:

Michael Lucker is an American writer, director and producer with twenty years experience creating film, television, animation and digital media. He began his career writing and directing television commercials while earning his undergraduate degree in broadcasting and film at Boston University's College of Communication. Soon after, he landed in Los Angeles, working in production for ABC, NBC, and CBS, before taking a job as Steven Spielberg's assistant at Amblin Entertainment on the feature films Always, Arachnophobia, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. He has since written over thirty screenplays for such studios as Paramount, Disney, and DreamWorks, and lectures on screenwriting worldwide.