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The Creation of the World and Other Business

The Creation of the World and Other Business
Your Price: $18.95 CDN
Author: Arthur Miller
Publisher: Dramatists Play Service (cover image may change)
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 74
Pub. Date: 1973
ISBN-10: 0822202492
ISBN-13: 9780822202493
Cast Size: 1 female, 8 male

About the Play:

The Creation of the World and Other Business has long been a favourite of acting teachers for Male/Male Scenes.

The Creation of the World and Other Business is a full-length comedic drama by Arthur Miller. An important and remarkable play by a master dramatist which, with eloquence and compassionate humour, goes to the very roots of human guilt and responsibility: the Biblical struggle between God and Lucifer, with Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel as their pawns.

The Creation of the World and Other Business is based on the Biblical account and culminates in the conflict between Cain and Abel. Dividing his play into "three questions on the human dilemma," the author begins with a charming and gently humorous retelling of Adam and Eve (and God) in the Garden of Eden. After their expulsion from paradise, Eve gives birth to Cain, watched over by a scheming Lucifer – who seeks to share the power of a God now angered by the errant ways of his creations. In the concluding portion of the play, with mounting dramatic intensity, Cain kills his brother, Abel, and is sent out as a wanderer, as the final dilemma is explored: "When every man wants justice, why does he go on creating injustice?" Throughout the action, which alternates scenes of sprightly humour with absorbing confrontations between God and Lucifer and God and his fallible creations, the striking pertinence of the play becomes ever more clear. It is a parable for our time, and all time, rich with philosophic insights and alive with vivid theatricality.

The Creation of the World and Other Business premiered in 1972 on Broadway at the Shubert Theatre. The play has become a favourite scene study vehicle in acting classes and workshops and has been mounted by high schools, colleges, and community theatres.

Cast: 1 female, 8 male

What people say:

"…the sparkle, intellectual bite and stimulating impact that a new dissertation on an ageless subject should have." — Variety

"…Miller is reaching for new insights into the human dilemma…." — Cue Magazine

"…imagination and an unexpected vein of humor…." — New York Post

"Arthur Miller's play The Creation of the World and Other Business ... raises significant issues, including those related to good and evil as well as responsibility." — The Seattle Times

About the Playwright:

Arthur Miller (1915-2005) is considered one of the great American playwrights. During the Depression, finances were scarce and he paid for his college tuition by working as a shipping clerk in a New York factory. He later wrote his first plays in college. With a career that spanned over 50 years, he wrote more than thirty plays that transformed American Theatre and proved to be both the conscience and redemption of the times. His probing dramas received many awards in his lifetime, including two Emmy awards and three Tony Awards for his plays, a Tony Award for Lifetime Achievement, and the Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1949, for Death of a Salesman.

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