About the Book:
"Following the suggestions in this book will save time and money, avoid mistakes, and give your production a professional look and feel. This book isn't just for teenagers, it's for everyone who wants to produce a great short film." — Tom Hoopengardner, Producer, America's Best Student Shorts
With zillions of videos being uploaded to YouTube every minute, how can a beginning filmmaker stand out? Easy — by applying the tools of Filmmaking for Teens, you can learn everything you need to know about how to make a great short film and get some serious eye attention on YouTube and beyond.
Filmmaking for Teens takes you from the moment of inspiration to a finished short film and beyond. You learn everything they need to do to become the slash (writer/producer/director) of your first short film. With step-by-step instructions, tips and techniques on brainstorming, writing, producing, directing, scheduling, shooting, editing, and distributing short film or video projects, this accessible, hip and complete guide will nurture and inspire a new generation of filmmakers.
This book will turn you into a contender! The revised edition of this classic manual includes numerous updates and new additions reflecting the enormous changes impacting the world of digital video, including:
• Shooting in HD
• Advances in digital audio recording equipment
• Editing and compressing video for online delivery
• Maximizing your exposure on video-sharing sites like YouTube
• Marketing and audience development strategies for online video
• How to make money from the online video revolution
What people say:
"Redesigned to be even easier to understand and packed with more up-to-date information on digital filmmaking, the 2nd edition of Filmmaking for Teens should be the essential textbook for schools and community centers that want to provide a high-quality filmmaking curriculum for their students." — Toby M. Bronson, Set Costumer, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Aviator, Deadwood
"Filmmaking for Teens is an exceptional filmmaking guide for anyone determined to create their own film. Written by Troy Lanier and Clay Nichols, Filmmaking for Teens is a simple, easy to understand guide to improving amateur videos." — Amanda Porter, Associate Editor, School Video News
"Filmmaking for Teens is a 7-11 full of every filmmaking goodie you'll need to write, shoot, edit and show a short film that people will actually want to see, using the resources you already have: friends, parents, no money, and a long weekend. From how to finish a script, to when to go handheld, to how to mooch equipment, to what won't work, this book is all you need to get your filmmaking career started." — Alex Epstein, Author, Crafty Screenwriting and Crafty TV Writing, co-writer of the hit comedy film Bon Cop Bad Cop
"I would recommend this book to all students who want to make a film that will get seen. If you are serious about your filmmaking, buy this book and follow its its game plan." — Bart Weiss, President, Association of Independent Film & Video
"Although it’s billed as a book for teenagers, this priceless volume provides all the information that ANYONE would need to make a short (or even longer than short) movie. If this book doesn’t make you want to pick up a camera and start shooting a movie, you better check your pulse. It’s a terrific little book." — John Gaspard, Co-Author: Digital Filmmaking 101
"A fun read and a great tool for anyone working with the filmmakers of tomorrow." — Jennifer Granville, Assistant Professor, School of Film, Ohio University
About the Authors:
Troy Lanier is an award-winning documentary filmmaker and an educator of high school filmmaking students in Austin, Texas.
Clay Nichols is a distinguished playwright and screenwriter and the founder and director of the Theatre Focus program at St. Stephen’s School and the Texas Arts Project.
Since publishing the first edition of Filmmaking for Teens, Troy Lanier and Clay Nichols have gone on to become pioneers in the online video industry. Producers of the acclaimed series DadLabs, the pair has produced over 500 episodes of Web TV that have garnered millions of viewers. These masters of online video have put into practise the principles of this book.