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For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again

For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again
Your Price: $18.95 CDN
Author: Michel Tremblay
Translated by: Linda Gaboriau
Publisher: Talonbooks (cover image may change)
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 79
Pub. Date: 1998
ISBN-10: 0889223890
ISBN-13: 9780889223899
Cast Size: 1 female, 1 male

About the Play:

For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again has become a favourite of acting teachers for Male Monologues.

For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again (English version of Encore une fois, si vous permettez) is a full-length drama by Michel Tremblay. A funny, affectionate, and moving portrait of the bond between mother and son in a series of hilarious arguments about everything from rare roast beef to the mystery of where people go to the bathroom in novels. This beautiful two-hander, about his relationship with his mother, is one of Michel Tremblay's most popular plays.

For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again is the playwright's homage to his colourful, down to earth mother who nurtured his imagination, his reclusive reading habits and his love for the theatre and the arts, yet who did not live to witness the performance of Les Belles Soeurs – the first successful play written in joual with which Michel Tremblay legitimized the Québécois vernacular in the arts – and the world-wide acclaim for her son's artistic genius. In a compelling balance of humour and poignancy, Michel Tremblay offers glimpses of himself and his mother at five different stages of their lives together, culminating in his reassurance of his dying mother's concern for him immediately prior to his spectacular success.

For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again had its English-language premiere in 1998 at Centaur Theatre in Montréal. Winner of the 2000 Dora Mavor Moore Award for Outstanding New Play. Since then the play has been successfully staged at several professional theatres across Canada and has been mounted by colleges, and community theatres.

Cast: 1 female, 1 male

What people say:

"For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again is a funny, affectionate, and triumphantly moving portrait of the abiding bond between mother and son." The Georgia Straight (Vancouver)

"I can remember perhaps five performances in my life that have delighted me and moved me so much… The work zips along, breathing with the audience… a magnificently cathartic and beautifully staged theatrical moment." Hour (Montréal)

About the Playwright:

Michel Tremblay has been one of Québec's most prominent playwrights since the end of the 1960s. One of the most produced and the most prominent playwrights in the history of Canadian theatre, he has received countless prestigious honours and accolades. His dramatic, literary and autobiographical works, originally written in French, have long enjoyed remarkable international popularity and translations of his plays have received huge success worldwide.

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