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How Do I Look? Queer Film and Video

How Do I Look? Queer Film and Video
Your Price: $22.50 CDN
Last copy!
Edited by: Bad Object-Choices
Publisher: Bay Press (Seattle)
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 295
Pub. Date: 1991
ISBN-10: 0941920208
ISBN-13: 9780941920209

About the Book:

HARD TO FIND BOOK, only a very limited number of copies are still available.

Both a critique of contemporary film and video and an urgent examination of larger issues of representation, How Do I Look? is an invaluable contribution to gay and lesbian studies. Paying homage to Vito Russo's The Celluloid Closet, these six original essays lead us to rethink what constitutes queer vision and visibility.

What people say:

"How Do I Look? is an articulation of that dream in the dark we've all had-gazing at those flickering images, searching for ourselves and too often settling for less. This collection begins to ask the provocative questions we dared not ask aloud. As lesbians and gays, as people of color, whose vision will we accept? The questions here are full of pain and clarity." — Jewelle Gomez

"This unflinching and exhilarating collection of essays offers a wealth of theories and speculation around issues of sexual and racial identity and identification, homoeroticism, the rhetoric of victimization and its historical precedents, control of images, and more. An invaluable contribution to cultural criticism." — Yvonne Rainer

"Not afraid to be intellectually or politically challenging, this collection of articles and discussions is at once thoughtful and urgent, reflective and immediate. It will be of value to all who make images, whether that be in the camera or as viewers." — Richard Dyer

About the Author:

The name of the editorial group, Bad Object Choices, is meant to question and reflect on the psychoanalytic concept of object-choice.