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How to Make Your Audience Fall in Love with You
How to Make Your Audience Fall in Love with You
Author: Deryn Warren Publisher: Bralms Books Format: Softcover # of Pages: 246 Pub. Date: 2013 Edition: 2nd ISBN-10: 0988226421 ISBN-13: 9780988226425
About the Book:
Making an audience
fall in love with you. That's what great acting is all about — no
matter whether you're in a casting room, on stage, in film, or on
television. In How to Make Your Audience Fall in LOVE with You,
you'll find out how to go beyond the obvious and unleash your most
exciting self in every role.
From Shakespeare to soap operas, in How to Make Your Audience
Fall in Love with You veteran acting coach Deryn Warren
helps you make the best of any script. Her analysis of scenes from
such hits as When Harry Met Sally, The Green Mile, and
Fawlty Towers will show you how to take big risks, deepen your
choices, perfect your technique, and get parts. The book also contains a special section on how-to rehearse by
Michael Shurtleff, author of the performer's bible, Audition.
How to Make Your Audience Fall in Love with You will take
your acting to a new level — whether you're a working professional
or just starting out. You'll get the first job and keep getting hired
because casting directors will fall in love with you too.
What people say:
wish every actor who auditioned for me had read this book first."
— Carrie Frazier,
Head of HBO Films Casting
eye-opening, practical advice for actors."
— Thomas Derrah,
versatile actor and founding member of the
American Repertory Theatre
"Every actor should read this
book. Want to be a better actor or a better teacher? This is your
book." — Jose Luis Valenzuela, Head of the MFA
directing program, UCLA and Artistic Director, the Latino Theater
About the Author:
Deryn Warren is an American
film and theatre director, and a script doctor. A career actress with
a resume in theatre, film and television, she studied under famed
acting coach Michael Shurtleff. She eventually filled in as
instructor. And when Shurtleff retired, he referred students to his
new protege. She is now a leading acting teacher and coach in Los
Angeles, and the author of the book: How to Make your Audience
Fall in Love with You. She has also directed theatre in Los
Angeles, including Talley's Folly and A Garden Full of
Snow, starring Angelica Huston.