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In the Eyes of God

In the Eyes of God
Your Price: $18.95 CDN
Author: Raul Sanchez Inglis
Publisher: Talonbooks (cover image may change)
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 144
Pub. Date: 2007
ISBN-10: 0889225613
ISBN-13: 9780889225619
Cast Size: 3 female, 4 male

About the Play:

In the Eyes of God is a full-length drama by Raul Sanchez Inglis. A dark, hilarious look at the world of L.A. talent agencies that remake the stars and tabloid personalities out of the willing clay of their own flesh. The greed, avarice, and banality laid bare as these Hollywood hucksters scrap, claw and backstab their way to the top of the dog pile would be horrifying if it weren't so funny. Willing to do literally anything to get ahead or maintain an edge, these folks make Wall Street's Gordon Gecko ("Greed is good!") seem like an altruist.

In the Eyes of God is about two Hollywood talent agencies who scrap like hungry dogs over hot new scripts and promising screenwriters. Originally conceived as a play about car salesmen, it wasn't until Raul Sanchez Inglis went to Hollywood on a business trip that he found a setting true to his vision of sales as the ultimate cash machine. Two top-dog agents go for the jugular and other private parts to sign the "promising" young screenwriter Edward Foster, yet nowhere throughout the play is the title, much less the subject of his script, ever mentioned. Sure, "important people are reading your script", he is told. Yeah, right. But only as a vehicle to reposition themselves at the trough of the Hollywood star machine. That's because concern about content, product and people is always an impediment to the efficient maximization of any sales campaign. What is being fought over in this survival-of-the-cruellest business culture is the promise of a dream – a dream of riches, fame, success and public adulation everyone is willing to pay for, to offer their bodies for, to sacrifice their loved ones for, to die for. If the corporate hedonism of America that gave us the vicious sleaze of Hollywood is reflected in the eyes of God, then those eyes are made, as we might have suspected, of celluloid. "There's no business like show business," and if you ever had any doubt about that, In the Eyes of God by Raul Sanchez Inglis will bring you back to your senses.

In the Eyes of God premiered in 2004 at the Beaumont Studios in Vancouver featuring a cast of local TV and film actors. It was greeted with standing ovations and remounted in 2005.

Cast: 3 female, 4 male

What people say:

"[This] terrific play is one of the most vicious exposes of Hollywood venality, misogyny and the social Darwinism that drives the star-making machinery that you'll ever see. It's hard to imagine how anyone could put an original spin on this material, but Inglis's writing is so sharp, funny and horrific that it never feels overly familiar." — Vancouver Province

"Chock-full of taut scenes and tough, funny dialogue." — The Georgia Straight (Vancouver)

"This is David Mamet territory: the clipped and jagged dialogue, the breakneck pacing, the verbal knives flashing." — Vancouver Courier

About the Playwright:

Raul Sanchez Inglis is a Canadian playwright and screenwriter. Born in Mexico City, he commenced his career in theatre and film as an actor. He's written for TV shows in Canada and the U.S.