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Much Ado About Nothing

Much Ado About Nothing
Your Price: $48.95 CDN
Author: William Shakespeare
Edited by: John F. Cox
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Series: Shakespeare in Production
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 257
Pub. Date: 1998
ISBN-10: 0521598222
ISBN-13: 9780521598224

About the Book:

This is the first edition of Much Ado About Nothing to focus wholly on the play in performance. John F. Cox investigates major issues and shifting trends in the production of this popular drama, analyzing successive reinterpretations of the play in relation to the culture of each period since Shakespeare's time, with particular attention to gender issues. A commentary alongside the New Cambridge edition of the text recreates in lively detail interpretations of each passage in a variety of British, American, Canadian stage, film and TV productions.

This edition of Much Ado About Nothing is an essential resource for students, teachers and performers, this is also an illuminating book for theatergoers:

• Based on the authoritative New Cambridge Shakespeare text of the play
• Covers British, American and Canadian productions
• Examines film and TV versions of the play
• Foregrounds gender issues
• Analyses productions in the context of the culture and ideology of the relevant period
• Covers productions from Shakespeare's time to the present day

What people say:

"...a much-needed and welcome addition to Shakespeare resources." — Choice

"" indispensable resource for theatre historians, dramaturgs, directors, or performers." — Studies in English Literature 1500-1900

"This book could also be very useful to a student of gender, history, and language, especially its detailed information on lines added and cut, on treatments of the play's cuckoldry humor, and on the critics' anxious iteration of such key binaries as sharp/soft, wit/feeling, salt/sweet, and mannishness/womanliness. I do recommend this book for anyone trying to piece together information about the performance history of the play, especially those interested in Victorian and Edwardian productions. Those who are attempting to chart shifts in myths of gender as they shift over the longue durée of culture, or who are researching particular productions or players, will find this edition rich, intriguing, sometimes frustrating, but always informative." — Shakespeare Quarterly

About the Author:

John F. Cox is Vice-President for Academic Affairs of Avondale College, New South Wales, Australia, where he is Senior Lecturer in Renaissance Literature.