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Pirandello Plays

Pirandello<br> by Luigi Pirandello Pirandello Plays
Your Price: $31.95 CDN
Author: Luigi Pirandello
Translated by: Eric Bentley
Foreword by: Albert Bermel
Publisher: Northwestern University Press
Series: European Drama Classics
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 186
Pub. Date: 1998
ISBN-10: 0810116529
ISBN-13: 9780810116528

About the Plays:

Luigi Pirandello is seen as a forerunner to the Theatre of the Absurd. He is ranked with Bertolt Brecht and Samuel Beckett as one of the most foremost innovators in theatre in the 20th century.

Luigi Pirandello is best known for his ability to create farcical tragedies that pit reality against appearance in such a way that "objective" truth is never revealed. In translations by acclaimed playwright and translator Eric Bentley, these versions of four of Pirandello's most celebrated plays – his absurdist masterpiece Six Characters in Search of an Author (in Italian: Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore), Emperor Henry (in Italian: Enrico Quarto), The Man with the Flower in His Mouth (in Italian: L'Uomo dal Fiore in Bocca), and Right You Are (in Italian: Così è) – are considered to be the standards for American productions. They capture the playwright's unique voice with remarkable precision, while at the same time attending to the rigours of the American stage.

What people say:

"...a fascinating precursor of the entire theatre of the absurd – the anguish over existence in Sartre and Camus, the guerrilla warfare against ossified language and the mass mind in Ionesco, the bleak, alienated vision of Beckett, the sense of man eternally acting a role in Genet, and the use of the stage as a self-contained universe in Pinter." — Time magazine

Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936) was an Italian dramatist, novelist, short story and essay writer, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1934. His works include many short stories and about 40 plays.

Eric Bentley (1916-2020) was a British-born American drama critic and translator. He received his BA at Oxford University and PhD at Yale University. In 2006, he received an Obie award for lifetime achievement. Throughout his long and distinguished career, he was perhaps best known as one of the preeminent experts on Bertolt Brecht.