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Displaying products 1 - 29 of 29 results
Naked Playwriting
Your Price: $29.00
Naked Playwriting
William Missouri Downs and Robin Russin
The Playwright's Guidebook
Your Price: $24.95
The Playwright's Guidebook
Stuart Spencer
The Art & Craft of Playwriting
Your Price: $25.95
The Art & Craft of Playwriting
Jeffrey Hatcher
Ignite: Illuminating Theatre for Young People
Your Price: $22.95
Ignite: Illuminating Theatre for Young People
Edited by Heather Fitzsimmons Frey
The Poetics of Aristotle
Your Price: $14.95
The Poetics of Aristotle
Re: Producing Women's Dramatic History
Your Price: $24.95
Re: Producing Women's Dramatic History
Dorothy Hadfield
Three Uses of the Knife
Your Price: $21.95
Three Uses of the Knife
David Mamet
Playwriting Women: Female Voices in English Canada
Your Price: $25.99
Playwriting Women: Female Voices in English Canada
Cynthia Zimmerman
The Art of Dramatic Writing
Your Price: $22.95
The Art of Dramatic Writing
Lajos Egri
Running Through the Devil's Club<br> <em>Creating and Presenting a Woman-Centred Drama About Surviving Sexual Abuse and Assault</em> by Deborah Hurford
Running Through the Devil's Club
Your Price: $18.99
Running Through the Devil's Club
Deborah Hurford
You Can Write a Play by Milton E. Polsky
You Can Write a Play!
Your Price: $21.99
You Can Write a Play!
Milton E. Polsky
Playwrights in Rehearsal: The Seduction of Company
Your Price: $52.95
Playwrights in Rehearsal: The Seduction of Company
Susan Letzler Cole
How Not to Write a Play
Your Price: $20.50
How Not to Write a Play
Walter Kerr
The Art of Writing Drama: Theory and Practice
Your Price: $21.95
The Art of Writing Drama: Theory and Practice
Michelene Wandor
Developing Nation: New Play Creation in English-Speaking Canada
Your Price: $25.00
Developing Nation: New Play Creation in English-Speaking Canada
Edited by Bruce Barton
The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers
Your Price: $39.95
The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers
Christopher Vogler