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Refractions: Solo

Refractions: Solo
Your Price: $19.95 CDN
Edited by: Donna-Michelle St. Bernard and Yvette Nolan
Publisher: Playwrights Canada Press
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 256
Pub. Date: 2014
ISBN-10: 1770912479
ISBN-13: 9781770912472
About the Book:

Refractions: Solo is a collection of monologues from diverse contemporary works by Canadian playwrights that reflect the country's artistic landscape through a breadth of themes, styles, regions, and creative practices.

This collection can be used both as a monologue source for actors and students, or as a primer on diverse Canadian theatre and an entry point into new works, many of which are not yet widely available.

Includes monologues by nisha ahuja, Peter Anderson, Nina Arsenault, Keith Barker, Tara Beagan, Nicolas Billon, Katrina Bugaj, Aaron Bushkowsky, Marie Clements, Lisa Codrington, David Copelin, Chris Craddock, David S. Craig, Ned Dickens, Dawn Dumont, Troels Hagen Findsen, Waawaate Fobister, C.E. Gatchalian, Sky Gilbert, Wanda R. Graham, Don Hannah, Ravi Jain, Thomas Morgan Jones, Joan M. Kivanda, Tawiah M'Carthy, Daniel Macdonald, Jason Maghanoy, Anita Majumdar, ahdri zhina mandiela, Colleen Murphy, Michael P. Northey, Mansel Robinson, Anusree Roy, Michael Rubenfeld, Shahin Sayadi, Erin Shields, Jon Lachlan Stewart, Julie Tepperman, Judith Thompson, Diana Tso, Gein Wong, and David Yee.

About the Editors:

Donna-Michelle St. Bernard is a Canadian playwright, theatre director, and arts administrator. Born in the Caribbean islands of the Grenadines and raised in Canada, she is a three-time nominee for the Governor General's Award for English-language drama (Canadian equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize). Her work has also been recognized with a Siminovitch Prize nomination, SAT Award nomination, the Herman Voaden Playwriting Award, the Alberta Theatre Projects' playRites Award, and a Dora Mavor Moore Award for Outstanding New Play.

Yvette Nolan is a playwright, director, dramaturg and educator. Born in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan to an Algonquin mother and an Irish immigrant father, raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, she lived in the Yukon and Nova Scotia before moving to Toronto to take the helm at Native Earth Performing Arts where she served from 2003-2011. A prominent figure in Canadian Aboriginal theatre, her best-known and most-produced play is Annie Mae's Movement.

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