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Teacher Tools

Displaying products 91 - 120 of 131 results
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Acting for Young Actors
Your Price: $21.95
Acting for Young Actors
Mary Lou Belli and Dinah Lenney
Finally... Monologues That Work
Your Price: $18.95
Finally... Monologues That Work
Laurie Ann Davis and Christine Kolenik
275 Acting Games
Your Price: $21.95
275 Acting Games
Gavin Levy
33 Short Comedy Plays for Teens
Your Price: $22.50
33 Short Comedy Plays for Teens
Laurie Allen
101 Improv Games for Children and Adults
Your Price: $16.95
101 Improv Games for Children and Adults
Bob Bedore
At Play: Teaching Teenagers Theater
Your Price: $22.95
At Play: Teaching Teenagers Theater
Elizabeth Swados
Key Concepts in Theatre / Drama Education
Your Price: $45.00
Key Concepts in Theatre / Drama Education
Shifra Schonmann
Producing a First-Class Newsletter
Your Price: $14.95
Producing a First-Class Newsletter
Barbara A. Fanson
Wild and Wacky: 60 One-Minute Monologues for Kids
Your Price: $14.95
Wild and Wacky: 60 One-Minute Monologues for Kids
L. E. McCullough
My Third Monologue Book
Your Price: $14.95
My Third Monologue Book
Kristen Dabrowski
My Second Scene Book
Your Price: $14.95
My Second Scene Book
Kristen Dabrowski
My Second Monologue Book
Your Price: $14.95
My Second Monologue Book
Kristen Dabrowski
My First Monologue Book
Your Price: $14.95
My First Monologue Book
Kristen Dabrowski
My First Scene Book
Your Price: $14.95
My First Scene Book
Kristen Dabrowski
Festival Voices: Plays Written by Students and Teachers for the Ontario Drama Festival
Your Price: $25.00
Festival Voices: Plays Written by Students and Teachers for the Ontario Drama Festival
Edited by Wayne Fairhead & Jane Gardner
Cootie Shots: Theatrical Inoculations Against Bigotry for Kids, Parents and Teachers
Your Price: $24.95
Cootie Shots: Theatrical Inoculations Against Bigotry for Kids, Parents and Teachers
Edited by Norma Bowles with Mark Rosenthal
Anyone Can Produce Plays with Kids
Your Price: $18.95
Anyone Can Produce Plays with Kids
L. E. McCullough
More Stage Dialects: 3-CD Set
Your Price: $56.00
More Stage Dialects: 3-CD Set
Jerry Blunt
The Suitcase Kid
Your Price: $22.95
The Suitcase Kid
Jacqueline Wilson, adapted by Vicky Ireland
Playing Shakespeare: An Actor's Guide
Your Price: $21.95
Playing Shakespeare: An Actor's Guide
John Barton
Much Ado About Nothing for Kids
Your Price: $12.95
Much Ado About Nothing for Kids
Lois Burdett
Acting Skills, 3rd Edition by Hugh Morrison
Acting Skills
Your Price: $32.99
Acting Skills
Hugh Morrison
Interactive and Improvisational Drama<br> <em>Varieties of Applied Theatre and Performance</em> by Edited by Adam Blatner with Daniel J. Wiener
Interactive and Improvisational Drama: Varieties of Applied Theatre and Performance
Your Price: $33.95
Interactive and Improvisational Drama: Varieties of Applied Theatre and Performance
Edited by Adam Blatner with Daniel J. Wiener
Macbeth For Kids
Your Price: $12.95
Macbeth For Kids
Lois Burdett
Hamlet For Kids
Your Price: $12.95
Hamlet For Kids
Lois Burdett
A Child's Portrait of Shakespeare
Your Price: $12.95
A Child's Portrait of Shakespeare
Lois Burdett
You Can Write a Play by Milton E. Polsky
You Can Write a Play!
Your Price: $21.99
You Can Write a Play!
Milton E. Polsky
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