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Teaching the Actor Craft

Teaching the Actor Craft
Your Price: $26.95 CDN
Author: Jon Jory
Publisher: Smith & Kraus
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 246
Pub. Date: 2013
ISBN-10: 1575257920
ISBN-13: 9781575257921

About the Book:

The Actor Craft demystifies the craft of acting. Jon Jory gives concrete, learnable skills that will greatly enhance the work of any actor, regardless of his or her experience level.

The Actor Craft is the delivery system for mind and heart. It deals with the tricks of the trade that have been passed from actor to actor for hundreds of years. The book breaks the subject into fifty categories with scripted exercises coaching tips for the teacher, and advice to the actor in training. It can lay out both beginning and advanced class work in the subject – all in an easily absorbed manner. Teachers of acting on every level will find this work useful because it can refresh and extend their ideas and classroom methods.

About the Author:

Jon Jory was the founding artistic director of Long Wharf Theatre and producing director at Actors Theatre of Louisville for more than thirty years. He has directed on and Off-Broadway and at many regional theatres.