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The Artist's Complete Health and Safety Guide

The Artist's Complete Health & Safety Guide, 3rd Edition by Monona Rossol The Artist's Complete Health and Safety Guide
Your Price: $38.95 CDN
Author: Monona Rossol
Publisher: Allworth Press
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 406
Pub. Date: 2001
Edition: 3rd
ISBN-10: 1581152043
ISBN-13: 9781581152043

About the Book:

New revised 3rd edition! This classic art reference shows artists how to handle materials safely while practicing their craft. Dozens of at-a-glance tables and charts present vital information about art materials, ingredients, technical hazards, proper protective equipment, and safe work practices simply and accurately.

This brand-new third edition is now completely revised and expanded to detail lifesaving new safety and ventilation equipment, present urgent new discoveries on toxins and pollutants found in arts and crafts materials, and explain the controversies surrounding new government regulations. A virtual lifesaver for all art and craft workers.

What people say:

"This book should be on the desk of all art teachers who venture beyond paper and pencil as expressive art media. The cost of this book is easy on the pocketbook, and the information provided should ease the mind." — School Arts

"…if you have the first edition you may be tempted to forgo buying this one. However, safe practice is a moving target… what might have been considered safe a few years ago may not be considered so now, and there may be better alternatives. …a modest investment to keep up-to-date." — Theatre Crafts International

"Industrial hygienist Monona Rossol intends to inform artists who work daily with hazardous materials of the effects of various commonly used chemicals and toxins on themselves and the environment." — American Theatre

About the Author:

Monona Rossol is a chemist, artist, and industrial hygienist. For more than 20 years she has specialized in investigating visual and performing arts hazards. A highly regarded and sought-after consultant and trainer, and lecturer, she has consulted with and/or inspected hundreds of show business venues, including professional and community theatres, TV and film locations, studios, scene and prop shops, and university theatre departments.