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Video Game Storytelling: What Every Developer Needs to Know about Narrative Techniques
Video Game Storytelling: What Every Developer Needs to Know about Narrative Techniques
Author: Evan Skolnick Publisher: Watson-Guptill Format: Softcover # of Pages: 208 Pub. Date: 2014 ISBN-10: 0385345828 ISBN-13: 9780385345828
the Book:
Unlock your game's narrative potential!
With increasingly sophisticated video games being consumed by an
enthusiastic and expanding audience, the pressure is on game
developers like never before to deliver exciting stories and engaging
characters. With Video Game Storytelling, game writer and
producer Evan Skolnick provides a comprehensive yet
easy-to-follow guide to storytelling basics and how they can be
applied at every stage of the development process – by all members
of the team. Based in part on his long-running Game Developers
Conference (GDC) tutorial, this book on the basics of storytelling in
games is designed to make every game developer who reads it a
stronger storyteller and a better collaborator with professional game
This clear, concise "class in a book" pairs relevant
examples from top games and other media with a breakdown of the key
roles in game development, showing how a team's shared understanding
and application of core storytelling principles can deepen the player
experience. Understanding story and why it matters is no longer just
for writers or narrative designers. From team leadership to game
design and beyond, Evan Skolnick reveals how each member of the
development team can do his or her part to help produce gripping,
truly memorable narratives that will enhance gameplay and bring
today's savvy gamers back time and time again.
What people say:
far as we're concerned, there isn't a better gateway into game
narrative design." — Career Gamer
stuff for anyone interested in games as a storytelling medium."
— News & Observer
a lot of information that's covered, but presented straight-forwardly
with plenty of examples." —
Our Thoughts Precisely
"It is worth buying the book
just to read how Skolnick defines [ludonarrative harmony/dissonance]
with concrete examples from past and existing games." —
"I found it to be both
interesting and entertaining, using real-life examples taken from
very popular movies and games that most people will be readily
familiar with." — Game Vortex
About the Author:
Evan Skolnick is an American
game writer, narrative designer, and educator with over twenty-five
years of story and game development experience at world-class
entertainment companies such as Marvel, Activision, and Lucasfilm. An
active freelance game writer and international speaker, he has
imparted knowledge to over a thousand working game development