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Voice & Dialects

Displaying products 1 - 29 of 29 results
The Actor Speaks <em>Voice and the Performer</em> by Patsy Rodenburg<br>Foreward by Judi Dench
The Actor Speaks: Voice and the Performer
Your Price: $41.95
The Actor Speaks: Voice and the Performer
Patsy Rodenburg, Foreword by Judi Dench
Monologues in Dialect for Young Actors (Ages 17-25) Volume I
Your Price: $18.95
Monologues in Dialect for Young Actors (Ages 17-25) Volume I
Kimberly Mohne Hill (Editor)
VO: Tales and Techniques of a Voice-Over Actor
Your Price: $25.25
VO: Tales and Techniques of a Voice-Over Actor
Harlan Hogan
The Art of Voice Acting: Craft and Business of Performing Voiceover
Your Price: $43.95
Sale Price: $32.96
You Save: $10.99 (25 %)
The Art of Voice Acting: Craft and Business of Performing Voiceover
James Alburger
on sale
Voice-Over Voice Actor: The Extended Edition
Your Price: $35.95
 Voice-Over Voice Actor: The Extended Edition
Yuri Lowenthal & Tara Platt
Voice Acting For Dummies
Your Price: $33.00
Voice Acting For Dummies
Stephanie Ciccarelli and David Ciccarelli
Voice and the Young Actor
Your Price: $49.95
Voice and the Young Actor
Rena Cook
Speech for the Stage
Your Price: $35.95
Speech for the Stage
Evangeline Machlin
Mastering the American Accent
Your Price: $38.95
Mastering the American Accent
Lisa Mojsin
The Eloquent Shakespeare
Your Price: $60.00
The Eloquent Shakespeare
Gary Logan
Vocal Direction for the Theatre
Your Price: $23.95
Vocal Direction for the Theatre
Nan Withers-Wilson
The Right to Speak
Your Price: $53.25
The Right to Speak
Patsy Rodenburg, Foreword by Ian McKellen
Set Your Voice Free
Your Price: $21.95
Set Your Voice Free
Roger Love
Genius Now!
Your Price: $20.00
Genius Now!
Alan Marriott
Stage Dialects: 3-CD Set
Your Price: $56.00
Stage Dialects: 3-CD Set
Jerry Blunt
Stage Dialects
Your Price: $21.95
Stage Dialects
Jerry Blunt
More Stage Dialects: 3-CD Set
Your Price: $56.00
More Stage Dialects: 3-CD Set
Jerry Blunt
More Stage Dialects
Your Price: $21.95
More Stage Dialects
Jerry Blunt
Finding Your Voice: A Step-By-Step Guide for Actors
Your Price: $32.95
Finding Your Voice: A Step-By-Step Guide for Actors
Barbara Houseman
Voice and the Actor
Your Price: $17.99
Voice and the Actor
Cicely Berry
The Actor and the Text by Cicely Berry
The Actor and the Text
Your Price: $21.99
The Actor and the Text
Cicely Berry