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Africa on Film

Africa on Film
Your Price: $25.99 CDN
Author: Kenneth Cameron
Publisher: Continuum
Format: Hardcover
# of Pages: 240
Pub. Date: 1994
ISBN-10: 0826406580
ISBN-13: 9780826406583

About the Book:

Winner of the Modern Language Association Prize for Independent Scholars

From serious social commentary to outrageous camp, from Cry, the Beloved Country to Tarzan and Jungle Queen, American and British films have gone to Africa, either in spirit or reality, to find the treasures that lie there. More than four hundred films have been made about (or in) Africa in the English language, from the beginning of Edison films in the first decade of the twentieth century up to the present. They range from endless "B" movies and boys' adventure films, to the ever-popular animal documentaries and safari docudramas, to serious efforts to understand colonialism and African-American identity. Together they make a fascinating montage of European and American projections - and even occasionally offer an accurate portrait of a continent and its varied peoples. A central theme of Africa on Film is racism. But as the subtitle Beyond Black and White suggests, there is much more as well: sexism, classism, nationalism, imperialism, pan-Africanism; the complex filmic legacy of a continent in transition, and the world that both forces this transition and watches it. In fluid, amusing, and compelling prose, author Kenneth Cameron shows how English language films dealing with Africa have a mixed legacy of reinforcing racism, sexism, and imperialism, and at the same time challenging it.

About the Author:

Kenneth Cameron is the author or co-author of more than thirty books, including historical novels and novels of espionage, and the award-winning Africa on Film: Beyond Black and White, as well as plays that have been produced in Britain and the United States. He lives most of the year in the woods of New York State's Adirondacks.