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Breaking Into Acting (for Dummies)

Breaking Into Acting (for Dummies)
Your Price: $23.99 CDN
Author: Larry Garrison and Wallace Wang
Publisher: For Dummies
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 332
Pub. Date: 2002
ISBN-10: 0764554468
ISBN-13: 9780764554469

About the Book:

Breaking Into Acting provides the expert advice you need to get your big break!

Although acting can be one of the most glamourous, exciting, and lucrative careers, it can also be terrifying, frustrating, and totally unpredictable as well – but only if you don't know what you are doing. Naturally this book can't guarantee that you'll succeed as an actor, but by following the information in Breaking Into Acting, you can increase your chances of success immensely whether you're a beginner or someone who already has plenty of experience performing on stage or in front of the camera, but you may need help in pushing your acting career up to the next level of success.

Specifically, Breaking Into Acting can help you break into the world of show business that includes acting in movies, television, and stage plays. No matter how much (or how little) experience you have, you can start pursing an acting career right now – no matter where you live – and this book shows you how. From preparing for those all-important auditions to finding an agent, the acting business is a challenging and competitive field. But show business, like any business, depends on people. You'll discover what casting directors look for, and find out how to take control of your acting career so you can succeed as quickly as possible.

Acting is more than just about talent; it's a business, as well. By showing you the business of acting, Breaking Into Acting gives you information that many actors either overlook or simply don't know where to find. Discover how to market yourself, choose a dynamic head shot, create a stellar acting resume, join unions, and pay the bills while you pursue your acting dreams. Written in plain English, like so many other titles in the "For Dummies" series, it is packed with plenty of information that both novice and experienced actors can use. This book can be your essential reference guide to get a foot in the door and succeed as an actor.

What people say:

"Although you can often find acting roles without the help of an agent, full-time working actors need an agent eventually. An agent can help you find auditions and negotiate contracts for you, freeing your time to studying acting, going to auditions, and actually working as an actor. Agents hear of nearly all the top (read: the more lucrative and prestigious) roles before the general public hears about them. If you don't have an agent, you may miss out on auditions that are just perfect for you – if only you knew where those auditions were being held." — Breaking into Acting for Dummies

About the Author:

Larry Garrison is an executive producer in film and television, a journalist, an author, an actor, and a publicist who works with magazine shows, print and radio. He has produced films, series, and also produced and brokered major news sweeps stories for ABC News, NBC News, CBS News, Fox News and other news major media organizations.

Wallace Wang is a successful stand-up comedian having appeared on A&E's "Evening at the Improv" as well as performing at the Riviera Comedy Club in Las Vegas and the author of numerous bestselling computer books.