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Crowdfunding for Filmmakers: The Way to a Successful Film Campaign

Crowdfunding for Filmmakers: The Way to a Successful Film Campaign
Your Price: $33.95 CDN
Author: John T. Trigonis
Publisher: Michael Wiese Productions
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 240
Pub. Date: 2016
Edition: 2nd
ISBN-10: 1615932445
ISBN-13: 9781615932443

About the Book:

Raise the funds for your next movie without Hollywood!

John Trigonis is the "Zen Master" of  Crowdfunding. Using his Three Ps of crowdfunding – Pitch, Perks, and Promotion  and enhancing them with the fourth P of Personalization, he has mentored some of the world's top-funded campaigns.

Crowdfunding for Filmmakers offers powerful information, tips, and tactics about how to launch a successful film campaign by going with the flow of traditional models of fund-raising, utilizing today's technological and social innovations, and augmenting each with an added personal touch. The book examines various ways to meet and exceed one's crowd-funding goal through chapters that home in on team building, audience outreach, and crowd-funder etiquette, along with a section containing case studies from successful film campaigns, as well as a few unsuccessful ones and what they could've done to remedy their unfavourable outcomes.

What makes this book different from all the other books and blog posts out there about crowdfunding? As a crowdfunding success story himself –– raising $6,300 to make his award-winning short film Cerise  John T. Trigonis realized that most filmmakers don't consider themselves crowdfunders, never mind entrepreneurs, and therefore rarely take the time to research other campaign strategies like he had done. Instead, they navigate this brave new landscape blindfolded with only a hope and a dream. That's why he wrote Crowdfunding for Filmmakers.

Sub-titled The Way to a Successful Film Campaign, his book is an invaluable tool to ensure a triumphant climax to a rigorous crowdfunding campaign:
   • It's focused –– This is a book about crowdfunding for filmmakers by a crowd-funder and a filmmaker.
   • It's teeming with examples –– Filmmakers learn crowdfunding from real life success stories that will inspire them to be as creative with their campaign as they are with their films.
   • Its advice is tightly organized into five parts –– Crowdfunding Basics, Campaign Personalization, Community Engagement, The Tao of Twitter, Facebook, and the Social Network, and Advanced Crowdfunding Tactics.
   • It's summarized and exercised –– The end of each section offers summary points for quick review as well as exercises to help crowdfunders get a head start thinking about their own film campaigns.
   • Its "Crowd Studies" have depth –– Through an in-depth "Trignosis," filmmakers can see which tactics used by specific campaigns made them successful and also discover why other promising campaigns didn't quite measure up.
   • It's dedicated to steering clear of corporate jargon –– No business speak or unfriendly jargon that can deter filmmakers from reading a book about crowdfunding.
• Its appendix paves the way further –– Links and QR codes to a handful of victorious campaigns, prime time pitch videos, and helpful articles about crowdfunding promise to keep the next wave on the path to success.

While it's especially for indie/Do-It-Yourself filmmakers, Crowdfunding for Filmmakers can really be used by anyone who wants to launch a crowdfunding campaign, including, but not limited to:
   • Screenwriters seeking funding for their next screenplay
   • Producers of indie films, web series, and transmedia projects
   • Actors looking to transition into the realm of writer/producer
   • Development executives
   • Students in film school
   • Teachers and professors who teach film and/or film finance classes
   • Artists, musicians, photographers, writers, and anyone else interested in running a successful crowdfunding campaign for their creative projects

What people say:

"John has been a practitioner and a teacher when it comes to crowdfunding. This book empowers readers to turn their ideas into action and action into money and success." — Slava Rubin, Founder & CEO, Indiegogo

"Whether you're a crowdfunding vet or a newcomer to this funding model, Crowdfunding for Filmmakers should be among your resources for running a successful campaign." — Rick Vaicius, Founder and Executive Director, Flyway Film Festival

"Everything we learned about #crowdfunding we learned from @Trigonis!" — @IngeniousTheMovie, the indie film starring Jeremy Renner and Dallas Roberts

About the Author:

John T. Trigonis is a writer, independent filmmaker, and TED speaker. From 2013 to 2018, he was the Manager of Film and Video at Indiegogo and the author of the book Crowdfunding for Filmmakers: The Way to a Successful Film Campaign. A behind-the-scenes consulting machine, he has mentored hundreds of filmmakers worldwide, helping them to create compelling crowdfunding experiences that not only reach, but exceed their goals.