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Introduction to Theatre Arts 2: Teacher's Guide

Introduction to Theatre Arts 2: Teacher's Guide
Your Price: $38.50 CDN
Author: Suzi Zimmerman
Publisher: Meriwether Publishing
Format: Softcover
# of Pages: 375
Pub. Date: 2007
ISBN-10: 1566081491
ISBN-13: 9781566081498
About the Book:

This matching companion guide to the introduction to Theatre Arts 2: Student Handbook makes teaching this class easy and fun. The guide contains more teaching assists than you will ever need. Teachers will love having the entire student handbook in this teacher's guide along with 120 additional pages of helpful information and tips. Besides the "Notes to the Teacher" at the beginning of each section, extra sample scripts and scoring rubrics are also included. 

Finally, this guide, which makes teaching Theatre Arts easy and fun for everyone, contains four extensive special chapters: 
The Valuable Theatre Program, Theatre for Unique Learners, Theatre for Students Who are Learning a New Language, and Guides and Helpers for Everything.

About the Author:

Suzi Zimmerman started teaching theatre in 1991, at a time when there were very few resources for beginning theatre teachers, especially for students in middle and high school. To bridge the gap, she began collecting and designing her own creative, hands-on lessons and organizational forms and has published them into a collection of books. She has directed and appeared in over two hundred plays and has also appeared in dozens of TV commercials and industrial videos. She retired from teaching in 2008 but continues to influence young people through her extensive volunteer work.

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Introduction to Theatre Arts: Teacher's Guide
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Introduction to Theatre Arts: Teacher's Guide
Suzi Zimmerman